by Benjamin Ellis | Mar 22, 2012 | Milestone Planner, On the road, Productivity
During the recent Social Media Week London, I had the privilege of chairing a session on psychology. The silent revolution behind social media has been to create an environment where there is more data about what we are doing, where we are doing it and who we are...
by Benjamin Ellis | Mar 19, 2012 | Leadership, Management, Milestone Planner, Productivity
I seem to spend a lot of mental effort battling between the benefits of structured versus unstructured approaches to doing things, so a 1972 essay by Jo Freeman (aka Joreen) recently caught my attention. The article was originally published in the Berkeley Journal of...
by Benjamin Ellis | Feb 16, 2012 | Milestone Planner, Productivity
To-Do lists are on our minds in the office at the moment. We’re constantly debating the pros and cons of them, and what makes them work and what makes them fail as task management tools. Yes, we’re thinking about new features for Milestone Planner. A...
by Benjamin Ellis | Apr 27, 2011 | Management, Milestone Planner, Productivity
Work can take us to some odd places, and put us in front of interesting sights. Recently I ended up in Crawley, and as I walked along the high street, a window display that was taking shape caught my eye. I’d been watching for several minutes before I thought to...
by Benjamin Ellis | Oct 22, 2010 | Milestone Planner, planning, Productivity
Can You See It? There were some great discussions at this week’s TVSMC meet up about observing and visualising work, particularly in talking with Simon Bostock. The challenge is that “knowledge work” isn’t as visible as “traditional...