In the SocialOptic product team, Kaizen is a word that crops up frequently. It is a compound of two Japanese words that together translate as “good change” or “improvement”. We have ambitious plans, but balance this with little and often incremental improvements… Kaizen!
Here you can see part of the evolution of our design of the SurveyOptic management interface, bringing a cleaner, more modern look to the question editor. We hope the reduction of clutter helps our customers get their job done a little easier.
This was the previous version:

And this is the new, improved design, which has the added advantage of being more efficient with the available vertical screen space:

For more information, you can read about our wider user experience project in User experience: moving from good to great, or watch the short SurveyOptic redesign video.
Have a great day, and look for those Kaizen opportunities!