Drowning in Data

Drowning in Data

With thanks to The Big Partnership, this is their interview with me, just after I stepped off of the stage at the 2010 Like Minds event in Exeter. In short: We don’t know what we don’t know! Many businesses are obsessed with information technology....

Beyond Knowledge – talking at Like Minds

Last but one post on Likeminds, based on this interview by Mike McGrail of theBIGPartnership (@BigPartnership on twitter), where I talk about my keynote and a bit about Likeminds: Some of the key points The way that we engage with knowledge has changed. There is not a...
Seeing Things

Seeing Things

I’m down at Likeminds this week, so I thought I’d follow up on the word cloud Jim shared yesterday with a cloud of the afternoon’s twitter discussions about Likeminds. A slight bit of self-interest, as I did my keynote in the afternoon ;) -but there...


We love word clouds at SocialOptic. They are a great way of getting a quick overview of a huge amount of information. So given that I’m back at the ranch while Benjamin is speaking at the Likeminds conference today, I thought I’d try and get a feel for...