When my eldest daughter hit the glorious long summer holiday where she had taken her GCSEs and she needed to decide her A-Levels, it was really important to her 16yo self to work out whether she was an Artist or a Scientist. She spent the whole summer holiday oscillating, and at the end had decided she must be an Artist, ripped her clothes and dyed her hair to feel the part. In truth, she is both – a talented A* Photographer, an Associate Diploma in Musical Theatre, gold bars and Grade 8’s in Tap, Ballet and Modern Dance, with a Science based degree and a Scientific teaching practice.
It is my firm belief that the best Scientists, Engineers, Mathematicians must, by definition, be creatives. This is the basis on which innovation and invention happens – without a creative flair, these folks would just be following formulas and there would be nothing new under the sun. When the politicians imply to your young teenager that taking Drama or Music alongside their Physics GCSE is a ‘lesser’ or ‘soft’ choice, encourage them with the importance of nurturing their creative side to complement their Engineering dreams, it will take them far.
It must be no big surprise then, that every member of the SocialOptic team is a musician. We have had a wonderful weekend this weekend with not one but two album launches from our team. We’re so proud of the talent in our company, I hope you will enjoy the fruits of their creative endeavours with us:
Find Anduna J – on Spotify – Amazon Music – Apple Music and YouTube
Find Trim on Spotify – Facebook and YouTube and pre-order the Album